Who we are

Tracy Miller, is the Coordinator for the Center for Teaching Excellence in The American School Foundation, AC in Mexico City. Interested in motivating the technologically hesitant.

Patty Zamora, Digital Literacy Coach in The American School Foundation, AC in Mexico City. Interested in 21st Century Learning.
Google Apps for Education Certified Trainer and  Apple Distinguished Educator.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The ASOMEX Technology and Library Conference: A Professional Learning Experience

ASF hosted the ASOMEX Technology and Library Conference 2011 on September 23 – 25. Keynoter Marco Torres inspired an audience of over one hundred participants with his presentation entitled, Teachers, Don’t Just Teach It – Inspire With It! He urged educators to make their classrooms more creative and innovative places, where students could take the stage, or make a studio recording or take part in a global community.
The conference benefited by the presence of six Apple Distinguished Educators, Marco Torres, Alejandro Aruchundia, Alline Sada, Brian Zink, Juan De Luca and Hannah Rollwitz, who presented a keynote, facilitated a cohort or presented workshops. Three of our academic deans, Dr. Alberto Hananel, Naomi Pawlik and Jean Rivard also facilitated cohorts or presented workshops. There was also a Google Apps for Education Certified trainer, Patty Zamora, and a Google Apps for Education Certified Individual, Carlos Guerrero, who facilitated a cohort.
On Saturday, Marco Torres continued with his cohort, Digital Storytelling: The Process and the Technical Stuff, where he demonstrated how easy it could be for our students to produce their own stories and share them with the world. Other cohorts included Use Your Noodle – Base Your Classroom in Moodle!, Building a Connected Learning Community (CLC) Toolbox and Run a Paperless Classroom Using Google Sites. Participants registered for a four-hour cohort which allowed them to leave the conference with a product.
A variety of one to two-hour workshops were presented as well, including Teaching Creative Writing Through Still Photography; Debate, Create and Collaborate Using Google Moderator; Best Practices in Moodle Design; Podcasting in the Classroom; Photo Booth in the History Classroom; Book Trailers; Breathing New Life Into the Educator and Classroom; Taking the Text Out of the Textbook; Documenting Learning in the Early Childhood Years and EBooks: A Perilous Quest.
On Sunday, Keynoter Michelle Moore presented Classroom + LMS= Blended Learning…Or Does It?, where she exhorted our teachers to create more than a classroom bulletin board on Moodle.  Instead she suggested the creation of a true blended learning environment where student collaboration takes place and the instructional focus shifts from information sharing to understanding.
Participants left the conference with the satisfaction that their time had been well-spent and with a variety of project ideas which they might apply in their classrooms.

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