Who we are

Tracy Miller, is the Coordinator for the Center for Teaching Excellence in The American School Foundation, AC in Mexico City. Interested in motivating the technologically hesitant.

Patty Zamora, Digital Literacy Coach in The American School Foundation, AC in Mexico City. Interested in 21st Century Learning.
Google Apps for Education Certified Trainer and  Apple Distinguished Educator.

Friday, October 7, 2011


Jacqui Murray gives an interesting review and recommends using EasyBib for students 4th-12th grades.
"I got this recommendation for a student, so that tells you a lot about the site right there. this website helps you come up with the right citation for any source you use in a paper. You know how complicated that is now, with websites and online libraries. I no longer have to wonder if I’m giving the right advice. I simply empower them to be problem solvers and send them to this website.

It’s simple:

  • type the words you wish to cite into the field
  • select whether your source is a book, journal, newspaper, website or one of 58 other options
  • it provides options for sources out of its database of 323,605,547 sources
  • you pick the one that fits

It has a log-in option that provides the ability to store multiple lists, share projects, and more. That’s good for older students. My 4th and 5th graders already have so many log-ins, I’ll probably suggest they create the account at home if it appeals to them.

And, there’s an app for your iPhone. I’m in heaven.

My only complaint is the amount of advertising on the site. It appears in the banner at the top, on the right sidebar, and spotted throughout. For students, this is distracting. I understand they have to pay the bills, so I use the opportunity to explain websites to students and how they must ignore the adverts."

Follow Jacqui's Website http://askatechteacher.wordpress.com/weekend-websites/

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